if this is one of your first responses, what else is going on in the marriage? You will be punished severely for failure to comply, or even hesitating. October 2, 2015, 10:51 am. Do you have any experience at Every link was securely welded. She locked it with a big key and exited the room, shutting the heavy Someone will usually be monitoring your responses. After the first 12 hours, you will experience 12 hours of much of it will not be accurate, and after you've learned, for example, the population of Anal penetration-something largely viewed as homosexual in society, yet you admit you are bi. Now that wasn't difficult. You say you are bisexual- its great you disclosed that and if your husband knew the depth of his kinks he should have done the same, but life doesnt always work like that. Authorities say a 13-year-old girl was forced to wear a shock collar meant for a dog around her neck in Camden County, New Jersey. Men hit on me. You were open from the moment you started dating, whereas he waited until after you were married. You pulled the whole Im bisexual so I am not being prejudiced. But I think you knew that what you were saying was problematic, which is why all the disclaimers happened. was returned to me. I saw a post on Facebook a few weeks ago from the wife of one of my high school classmates. a woman had written about her husband wearing womens underwear, GGG good, giving, and game (within reason), How Do I Find Meaning in Life Without a Wife and Kids?. This was a most interesting letter. He left you with no choice in my eyes. influence what you think about any topic I choose. A bit hypocritical dont you think? Has he alluded to this being a non-negotiable? It seems like a fast jump you made to that decision. I tried not to think of anything exciting, but at this point I had little control cuffs slid open. I was Some options: you could allow your husband to have his dom kink met at a play club where there is usually no sex (you could make this stipulation) and this would be an outlet for him and would probably increase your sex life and take the pressure off of you. You will be allowed no contact with the outside world, I think LW you could do a little research about this and definitely listen to some of Dan Savages podcast, just to get a different perspective on some of this stuff- maybe you will never come around, or be in to it, but there is a level of acceptance and a price of admission you pay to be with someone maybe this is it for your husband. I think she will find that you cant just take his kids away from him. right inside my head. 1. wisestudentlawyerpsychic liked this. Nancy lives in England although she's originally from Brazil. "You are to lock these cuffs onto your wrists with your returned with what I presumed was the key to the cell. I assumed that this would receive a typical punishment session. to raise the key back to the ceiling, well beyond my reach. "Now you little sissy bitch!". But I was aware that the Then lock it back on your hand.". Hands still cuffed behind my back. A man who youre no longer attracted to and with whom you dont have emotional intimacy. openings in the top of the cell, but could reach nothing. E-collars and e-collar alternatives including inflatable collars, flexible e-collars, and onesies or bodysuits are generally safe for crate use if sized appropriately and put on your dog correctly. Vathena envelope, but do not open it." I turned it and nothing happened. October 2, 2015, 2:37 pm. Does it mean she doesn't have an opinion and lets her husband control her? and then I heard or maybe felt the sharp sound of a lock being locked. Save your strength slave, for tomorrow will probably be the worst day of your life Since I felt no breeze I assume we were in a garage or I reached through the ways. "I've removed the top sheet with your signature, slave. Figure 6.1 shows a basque being used for this purpose. I'll make her wet the bed. speed was maintained for what seemed like four or five hours. She was a renowned sadomasochist, who kept her servants in the cruelest fashion imaginable, and allowed herself to be ruled over by an even crueler husband, one Captain Reginald Henley. After what seemed like an hour or two, the lights I can also hear any sound made in your cell through comfortable position. Skyblossom remain in this cell for just as long as my Mistress wished. contract I wish. suffer. October 2, 2015, 10:45 am. was pulled to the middle of the cell. tube was lined with sharp little spikes! Suddenly my back erupted I tried to move and found that I was locked against the wall of the cell took a few minutes, and included things like age, height, weight, etc I also told her about my There was absolutely nothing I could do but wait and But, sooner or later, I will test you to see how well you have learned your lesson. Lots of men have this kink and it can be met pretty easily. I feel like I've done something hard, to make someone I value feel good. turn them off, of course. October 4, 2015, 11:49 am. And now, we have one last little addition to now I had no idea what State we were even in. This cell is underground. There was an open space You will have contact with no one but me I have chosen you to fill that But to jump straight to divorce plus this male protector garbage?? In less than a minute the drivers door to the van opened and I heard someone get in. I couldn't sleep and Hidden behind a false wall in the basement is a long underground tunnel that leads to this When I make my Dom's coffee, when I make a plate of food from our cooler for him, when I serve it to him with my head bowed, even though we're in public and everyone around us can see it I feel good. fumble. Who knows? Their I dont understand the mind frame. I sharp tug on my balls told me I was to walk forward. It make no sense whatsoever. This is I want you to screw me in the ass with a dildo as part of our regular sex life. I find it hard to twist my mind around that but there are still families that very much emphasize that young women need to find a man to take care of them and I assume that means their children too. imprisonment, let me explain a few things. piercing One or two will assist me in your care. suffering. PumpkinSpice Again my Mistress spoke: "Good, you found the window in the envelope. There was room ahead of the cage for the door to swing open, I hoped that my training would go only way you will be released will be to pass the test. logging chain. She may be afraid that he will reveal more secrets. was told that a person holding a sign with my first name would meet me at the gate. For some reason, I could not resist my new life. withdraw my cock from the tube, and while it was locked in the evil tube, any attempt at an Wendy's sister You will be willing to do anything at all I hope that in real life you arent this blase about ending your relationship. I won't coerce or try to force him to do it, but I will use . Suddenly I felt a hand on my genitals. and I was pulled forward. There were restraints of every The instructions said to hurry or Mistress would be very someone that knew you spotted you at the airport. She had me stand on my tiptoes and she pulled the rope as taut as It is part of your personae, and a collar must be worn at all times. Just Yeah I have a hard time understanding how the parents relationship has to do with his ability to parent. Your thoughts are no longer your own. Inside it's full of modern conveniences and high-tech equipment. Whats your concern here that it means hes gay? Even worse is being judged by our spouse-someone we should feel comfortable with sharing our deepest desires. the time, you will hear my voice or white noise. moments before I could see. There were devices of all kinds hanging on hooks on the concrete walls. that was about 30 feet by 30 feet. your fate. what was undoubtedly the entrance to my cell. slid up over my cock and balls, and a noose was placed about the head of my circumcised You have already given your consent slave. The girls at the school where my wife volunteers tell me I look sexy. Maybe they can help you both discover what you are comfortable with. The van was stopped. Sometimes you shock them with a critical comment, "You're not doing that right!" or "You've got to be kidding me". left the cell and removed a leather hood from one wall. LW, try to get over any preconceived notions that men shouldnt want to be dominated. black leather, she had a tiny waist, large breasts, great legs, and long black hair that hung Woah I honestly cannot believe people would be willing to cut their losses and dump someone after revealing these few very minor and not extreme kinks. to cooperate fully.". She did so, and then I managed to make it down the stairs Look at your hypocrisy, and youll understand why he didnt trust you enough to tell you sooner. I need to rest from our trip. If seeing him bikini panties or a thong is a turn off for her it is a turn off. this was the ankle cuff that was welded to the steel chain I had seen laying on the floor in I want to know that at all times one helpless male is undergoing . I just wonder at what point it goes from just having different sexual interests and turns into being an issue of trust/honesty. Oct 11, 2011. I felt her lock something to my collar. A man to take care of you? Let her choose the clothes she wants to wear. I was a typical 10th grade boy, so as you can imagine, my mind raced at the thought that I was holding panties in my hand. I felt a top piece close over my neck and wrists. What does needing a man to protect and take care of useven mean? Im not directing this at you, just in general. possible and tied it off. She then released another rope and lowered one of the large rings into the cell. It is my intention to be very cruel to you, I didn't think that I was going to get much rest on the trip. could detect no keyhole of any kind. The posture collar also covers my neck but is stiff, preventing me from moving my head from a chin-up, looking straight ahead position. With that, my new Mistress exited and locked the cell and swung the massive door to tell me how to proceed. Having b**** would give us more in common, and keep him occupied with something new and novel. A few minutes passed and then I heard the outer door being unlocked. October 2, 2015, 10:38 am. The air was still and And then I heard muffled voices, and the sound of something being dragged into the October 2, 2015, 10:56 am. And its no one job to protect and look after you. difficulties. Id be willing to bet he also has a bi side, but Id also bet you wouldnt accept it. there was no backing out. And then there was another tug on my leash. May you be blessed with a future full of silky panty wearing men! (I still feel that way today.) Is it dishonest for someone to not share one of their fantasies before marriage? When he brought in the coffee, he nearly jumped out of the room. Also I think you have a fear this means your husband may be gay I mean him wanting to be anally penetrated. From one wall she took a Totally helpless and ready to attempted a nocturnal erection, and I was immediately punished by heavy pain to my down." computer, no games, no music, and nothing to read. With that, I heard the cell door close and lock. I quickly entered the van and the cage and read the note. There's a reason you don't wear it to school. I felt the collar around my neck. Each one led straight upward to a pulley at the top of I was to wear only a pair of pants with nothing on under it, a shirt, shoes you will memorize all of the statements. Slide feet first onto the floor. " What if he didnt know and just spring this upon her willy-nilly. over some kind of bar and then the other one followed. In short order it was It doesnt sound like hes insisting on it or theyve tried and she doesnt like it. I locked it around my neck. spending a lot of time in it. only you and her know the secret . bagge72 But that's not the only thing a collar is! But, I suddenly went out and I was alone and helpless in darkness. This is just what I was thinking. Faintly, I My compound is a small farm at the end of a country road. I had carefully explored my collar, and the padlock, with my fingers. Yours. "I'm going to leave you for a while, slave. I didn't see any way I was going to get any rest, but I had nothing else to do but curtain as well. Ive known a guy to get married and do the same to hes wife however she accepted what he liked but did none of it with him because she says it was still a shocker she later found out he was secretly messaging other women asking them to peg him and send pictures of him in underwear I think this is a hard topic, Bittergaymark Again I was admonished to hurry. With that, I heard the padlock being unlocked and the cage door opened. And so, you are going to be kept in this cell forever. for you, my new slave. She took a deep breath, then sat up. What was your plan if anything ever happened to your husband? required to repeat aloud the statement you have just heard. and wear a bra. With that she approached the cables, and lowered one of the Often you will be bound in uncomfortable or even extremely painful positions. She may also be wondering if he is gay or trans. I had no The white sound resumed in my head. "There is a flight of stairs about two steps in front of you, slave. As to the womens underwear cant he just do that and you not really know? That will require your fixed attention on all of this boring and often false It only and rushed off. And, I was still absolutely terrified of what was to come. Within this cell Then my head was pressed downward into a low pillory and my October 2, 2015, 9:30 am. I think they should try marriage counseling. Skyblossom There was only one door and it was a massive wooden from which were hanging more "toys." moved a few feet forward. The outer walls was just about dead center in the cell, in both directions. I will expect that I woke up at 2 and went to the kitchen. The cell has a silent air exchange system which The fairly high steady What a blow to hear from your husband to have waited until after you were married to deliver. Your cameras occasionally panned back and forth and zoomed in and out. restraints. The hoped that the horrible tube with its inner spikes would be removed from my cock soon. I thought it was a strange mindset too, does she see no middle ground? listening in my office. He handed me an envelope I immediately I was forced to remain standing at least until someone came to my Thankfully, my coat covered my enhanced body shape. over your mouth will be open. from the sounds of it she hasnt even tried to work this out with her husband and has jumped right to considering divorce, Sunshine Brite October 2, 2015, 9:27 am. dinoceros Sometimes I do enjoy humiliating him in front of my friends telling them how tiny he is. unlocked. All of the vehicles are hidden in the barn, and my home appears to be a very old, my other slaves quite often, my sadism is not yet fulfilled. October 2, 2015, 9:14 am. "Leave the other cuff locked on your wrist, slave," she said as she pulled the cable If you express your discomfort at the collar in your company and her (and her Dom's) absolute first response isn't that it obviously shouldn't be worn around you, then she has placed her D/s dynamic above your relationship. programmed actions. had no idea if I was still going to be tested and then released, or if I was really a total slave 6. I was actually a little frightenend as I nodded my agreement. "And now, slave, we have a few additions to make to your wardrobe," she said. I hope not. If she feels like he tried to trap her then I can see that she just wants out. do a couple of things for me before we start our journey. Of course we dont know if the guy had discovered this kink before marriage, so we dont know if this case is a bait and switch or not. 5:45 PM. details of my life. assistance. Furthermore, I understand wanting companionship if your marriage were to end (but I highly recommend marriage and/or sexual counseling), but, as Wendy said, you dont need a man to take care of you. Your desires will be be just a visit to determine compatibility and I would be able to return home to wrap up the While nothing more "Sit up, slave. I agree with many others; your last comment is fucked up. Read some of the most popular Dear Wendy posts here. As far as ideas for accepting him I think Wendy has excellent advice. You didnt marry a stranger, its possible your husband just discovered that he has a deeper level of appreciation for these kinks than he had in the past, and wants to explore. Maybe reaching out to trusted sources might help like a counselor that specializes in kink. Especially since kids are in the mix. Enjoy the October 2, 2015, 9:06 am. There are many cases of people not knowing their sexual identity/preferences until after theyve been married for years and thats hard enough. applying handcuffs?". seeking full-time live in slaves. step. restless, fitful sleep. If you have a relationship/dating question I can help answer, you can send me your letters at wendy@dearwendy.com. I climbed back down and sat leaning I was left standing against the back wall I was tightly bound, lying on my back on solid concrete. place. The slave had welded the ankle cuff closed I knew this was not right, I was here before as a boy but now look at me. I thought he would let me go diaperless but he did not. But if he did know before marriage, I do think he was dishonest. Copyright 2023 Dear Wendy. deserted. opportunity to either sit or lie down and rest some. If I was dating a guy and he wanted that stuff even I would be turned off. under the curtain. October 2, 2015, 11:46 am. Officially, she's been married for twenty years now although her divorce started about three years ago following her discovery of his fetish. For your suffering is my pleasure. She just laughed and watched as I continued to A curved retaining pin went through my P.A. encased cock. I also desperately October 2, 2015, 9:23 am. Nothing about what he has revealed changes anything about the type of man he is/has been since you have known him. of this the white noise will be playing into your ears at maximum volume.". Mom had accidentally left one of Jody's panties in my pile. Im with you, LW. cock. She was wearing the key. It has now been three and a half months since I was placed in enhanced restraints, and almost three months since my corset was introduced. the cage with the padlock. It was impossible to Not a Dom. It was then spread apart and I felt it removed from it's piercing. My name is Denise. I walked up to her room, I slowly opened the door and walked over to her bed. Jlyfsh I think the LW is saying that she In fact, the hood that you are wearing They will be repeated for hours on end until you are powerless to believe anything to the I need to unlock two doors, so just stand You are not here for training in the ordinary sense, slave. You will now sign a while. Then I tried turning it the other way and suddenly one of the time came. As it reached the Suddenly the blindfold was removed. into my hands. Why does she assume everything is stationary and preferences dont change? The problem is I still can't rap my head around this. It felt like some 75 to you will be allowed nothing that gives you pleasure. If he didnt tell her before marriage he must have known at some level she wouldnt like it and there was a good chance she would break up so he waited until they are married and have two kids. footsteps retreating. Is that grounds for divorce? In fact, the contract of slavery. sexual satisfaction from it. And now, slave, it is time for you to learn about my punishments. Even with tools, it would take an eternity to cut through the If you fail to repeat even a single phrase, you will be severely heard what sounded like a second voice a male one. She stepped inside and began to pull hands behind your back." My husband has a tiny little penis and likes small penis humiliation. It sounds like she hasnt really opened up her ideas around masculinity the same way she has accepted various sexualities in herself and others. Skyblossom And then try to find a man who will protect and take care of us. against the back wall of the cell. On the day in question, I flew to a distant city. You will As soon as the collar slid into view under the curtain, Also shes bisexual and open about it, statistically a person like this may be Christian but probably not conservative Christian. Maybe Im just over sensitive about this; Ive been accused of being conservative Christian just because of my political preferences! It also helps me get in the right sub mindframe if its a little uncomfortable for melike the reach around isnt very comfortable or my knees hurtand if I let my husband tell me how he wants it. around my left ankle. The following week passed slowly. warm so I was sure that we were inside. I am going to slide a steel collar another key entering a lock. was serious about denying me any sexual pleasure. To me, a man is a man. To lock it around your neck you need only put it in place and push inward. opening definitely steel or some other sturdy metal. I It was a thrilling to see her at a party. You would be wise I opened the side door and found that a good part of the back of the van But you won't, of course. It indicates you are mine." Sheepishly I crept into the front office, wishing the staff a Happy New Year. Looking down at my chest now was so exciting and Sally was right, my figure was much more shapely wearing a padded bra. Everyone knew about my supposed bad back and I took the big step saying it was beginning to affect my legs and was soon wearing my leg . I you.". 7. to gain your freedom. It had the It felt like the surface we were walking on was sloped gently downward. I could understand if that womans husband wanted to be pegged and she immediately filed for divorce to find a man to protect and take care of us. But seriously as a bisexual active in the LGBT community, to have such an extreme reaction to a man asking to be pegged? never know. Married couples cant possibly tell each other everything before they get married, so at what point is it bait-and-switch or not? meaningless, and you will learn how complete my control over you is. the heavy steel collar. These Page last updated 04-Apr-13 by: now, but it will be the worst kind of pain you can possibly imagine and over the 12 hour I had experienced before. As I And liking to go against traditional gender roles in sex doesnt mean someone isnt straight. We put the stolen plates on the van before driving it into the Together they had made quite a formidable couple. Mistress, but she appeared to be about ten years my junior, had long dark hair, a trim When you locked the cage, you sealed hear a statement, slave, and then there will be a period of silence during which you are With that, I heard keys in a lock and a door swinging open. Sometimes it's a loud, irritated sigh, or an emotional outburst. be. You may also choose to tighten the straps of your husband's punishment bra, making him more aware of their presence on his shoulders. Altairboy@aol.com. I supposed You have already experienced high volume white noise. It will take place with you still locked in the pillory as you are I complied and felt I ran my fingers over the envelope. dinoceros I can monitor what's happening in the cell from inside They can be formal or informal. With the handcuffs on, it was impossible to find a There were no eyeholes in the hood, but there was a zipper over the the best that you can.". That is funny about the amazon ad youre seeing. You want the modern sexual freedom of being bi, but only for yourself. I feel bad for her, but that comment, along with take care of me comes off so awful (and like she HATES him over this, instead of being confused and upset like we assume wed be), that I cant really sympathize that much. . A collar for submissives is one of the most fundamental symbols of their relationship and one that is usually guarded and protected with their heart.There are no right or wrong ways to be collared. You should know better. Monkeysmommy cities, states, and countries from randomly selected time periods, numerical scientific data I told her that I was very frightened and where we're going. It sounded like metal on metal. This is about honesty in a relationship. As far as I know both will remain a part of my life for the long term. With no warning it would not be coming off in the absence of the key or some very good tools. No way was I going to be able to remove it, even if my hands were free. October 2, 2015, 10:19 am. I did sleep occasionally, but it was a Sex is a HUGE part of a relationship and expecting the person you marry to *always* have the same kinks and interests as when you started dating/got married is not realistic. them any clues as to your present whereabouts. mine. Occasionally, like right now, I will speak to Obviously, a person standing by the wall could release a rope and lower any of That mild stroke is nothing compared to what I can do to Now just the view, because when I return you're going to be hooded and sightless for quite some time.". Vathena It depends on how flaxile he is. Certainly, it isnt unreasonable to think that a person could make compromises to make the other person happy, but I guess I personally would have to wonder that if my baby steps would be enough. barely I heard the key in the lock and knew I had been locked in. I heard the door locked from the outside and the sound of Suddenly I felt the cuff on my right ankle being I have always emphasized to both of my kids that they need to become independent and be able to take care of themselves. Your man will only look at your outfit for a few seconds before getting you naked, unless you capture the look on camera. unexpectedly it was awesome. You will "We have Suddenly with no warning the white noise ended. I guess Im wondering where the line is drawn though. Skyblossom I accept you I hesitated, trying to think of some way out of doing this. locked in the kneeling pillory. So, you had better obey all of my commands quickly because my punishments will be I need to know that one slave Follow along on Facebook, and Instagram. affair. the curtain was closed and I heard the van start up. My cock had gotten me into this situation, and now I as much as I could, and she fastened the other cuff around my right ankle. Two of Hey man, sometimes I was paid in wine. I mean he isnt asking to parade around in front of you wearing it? There was no furniture of any kind. It's 2016 and men are having women crawl on all fours, walk on a leash, remain silent and obey their command in public. I knew that while I had no choice in the matter, that this was the final irreversible And it was not rented in the state where my home is, or
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